About Us




圣地亚哥湖南同乡会和川渝同乡会是本市影响较大, 人数众多的两个华人社团. 它们主要由来自中国湖南省, 四川省以及重庆自辖市的学生、学者以及高科技人士组成。其宗旨是通过各种联谊聚会、文娱活动、网络通讯来联络乡情,发展友谊,交流信息,促进在圣地亚哥的同乡们的生活和发展。为庆祝今年的中秋佳节, 我们决定联合举办"川-湘-渝中秋赏月篝火晚会", 内容有同乡会提供的月饼和饮料, 会员自带湖南和四川风味的特色食品, 有多种文娱活动, 包括篝火, 拔河竞赛, 美食评奖, 各类大人和儿童游戏等, 欢迎注册参加.

时间: 2006年10月7日(周六) 下午4点到10点

地点: Mission Bay Park, Crown Point North (Click to see the map)

(We got the best spot!!!)

Directions & Parking
- From South or East San Diego, take I-8 to the Sports Arena Blvd. exit, make a right onto West Mission Bay Drive and continue straight to Ingraham Street. Cross over 2 bridges then go right onto Crown Point Drive. Several large parking lots will be on the right-hand side - Look for the sign of our Associations.

- From North San Diego, take I-5 to the Sea World Drive exit, make a right onto Sea World Drive and continue straight to Ingraham Street. Cross over 2 bridges then go right onto Crown Point Drive. Several large parking lots will be on the right-hand side.- Look for the sign of our Associations.

- Parking is free in these lots.


Please note:

After you exit from I-8 or I-5, you must cross 2 bridges on Ingraham Str, and then turn right on Crown Point Dr.

On Crown Point Dr (100m), make a right turn on Corona Oriente Rd - We have a RED SIGN there.

Go straight on Corona Oriente Rd for about 200m, turn right when you see our ORANGE SIGN.

Proceed to the parking lot there. We are beyond the bathroom and two tall trees, close to the shore.


费用: $10.00/成人,小孩和老人免费.  各家请准备足够自己吃的特色菜, 可以自带罐装啤酒. 同乡会将提供饮料, 月饼, 部分食品和水果和pizza.

注册方式:  请尽快发送邮件到anne_chao@yahoo.com (湖南)或sarasu88@yahoo.com (川渝), 请注明参加人数.  截止日期: 2006年10月1日(周日).

爱心提醒: 海边晚上很凉,请提前准备好厚衣服以免着凉. 请自带沙滩椅.

爱心赞助: 欢迎更多个人和团体赞助本次活动!

Wade (Wei) Wu, the president of Chuan-Yu Association, donates some unique unique gift sets (at equal or greater value of $1000) to the potluck competition winners, tug-a-war winners, and other race/game winners.

Hui Cai and Yi Hu  Hui Cai, our honorable star member, donates $200 to this event.  She said that she just wants to contribute some good moon cakes to her fellow Hunanese folks so that she'll feel less guilty for being not able to spend more time with us... 
As a generous supporter of SDHA, Dr. Michelle Gan donates $300 to this event.
As a long term supporter of SDHA, Abgent Inc. (Chun Wu and Yingwei He) donates $500 to SDHA to this event.


Here is the actions list in preparation for this party. If you are an action owner, please confirm to Anne (anne_chao@yahoo.com) and Sara (sarasu88@yahoo.com) by email that you are OK to take the action. For Hunan group, all purchases will be reimbursed at the party site by our Treasurer, Yeqing. Please bring your receipts with you.


1. Beverage and water: Budget $100, Tielin Wang is the action owner to buy and deliver these to the party site.

2. Supply (plates, cups, spoon, fork, napkins): Budget $100, Yeqing Chen and Shaoyi He are the action owners to purchase and deliver these to the party site

3. Fruits: Budget $50. Yeqing Chen is the action owner to buy and deliver these to the party site.

4. Pizza: Budget $100. Xiaohui Gu is the action owner to coordinate to have the piazza delivered to the party site.

5. Roasted Pigs: Budget $200. Wade Wu and Anne Chao are the action owners to get the best deal and purchase. Nanjie Deng will deliver these to the party site.

6. Moon Cakes: Budget $150. Jing Zeng is the action owner to purchase and deliver these to the site. Please also coordinate people to cut the cakes into small pieces before the party starts.

7. Games for adults: Budget $100. Sara Su, Anne Chao and James are responsible to come up with 4 games for adults and purchase material to facilitate the games.  

8. Games for Children: Michael Pu is responsible to coordinate some members to lead/supervise children groups and generate 2-3 games for Children; Wei Gao will purchase material to facilitate the games.

9. Steamed rice: Chen Peng and Sara Su is the action owner to arrange  8-10  families to bring rice to the party.

10. Banner and signs: Shaoyi He and Michael Pu are the action owners to design/make/bring the banner to the site with supporting material to hang the banner. Chen Peng will prepare the signs.

11. Name tags/registration forms/pens/markers: Anne Chao is the action owner to purchase and bring them to the party site.

12. Photographers: Jiabo Li and Chen Peng are the action owners to take professional photos at site.  

13: Reception at site: Wade Wu and Anne Chao are the receptionists, and Yeqing Chen and Sara Su are the treasurers at site to collect admission fees from Hunanese and Chuan-Yu Associations, respectively. Please arrive a little earlier than 4:30PM in order to collect admission fees.

14: First Aid: Shaoyi He and Sara Su will bring first aid supply to site and place them at Reception

15. Fire wood: Wade Wu and Shaoyi He will arrange pick up the wood and deliver to the party site.

16. Music: Amy will bring music and dance for the party.

17. Sending formal notice and reminders out to all members about the event: Sara Su and Anne Chao will send emails to their group members early next week and a reminder before 10/7.

18: Site occupation: Anne Chao and Sara Su will coordinate shifts to occupy the site. For Hunan group, we are responsible to be there from 5am-11am. I need 1-2 Volunteers for the shifts, please respond:

     -5am-7am: Chen Peng

     -7- 9 am: Wade Wu

     -9-11 am: Bill Wang

     -11am-1 pm: James He

     -1-3 am: CJ & Sue Zhou

     -3-5 am: Denny Cheng

19: Tables: we need 4 additional tables: 2 big for food and 2 for registration. Shaoyi and Guan Qi who were the assigned action owners. Tielin Wang will bring 1. Chen Peng and Jing Zeng will bring 3.



Copyright ©2006 San Diego Hunanese Association.  All Rights Reserved